Frequently asked questions

Are you an incubator?


Are you a lab?

That depends.

If by “lab”  you mean a place where research and experimentation is conducted, then yes, we are a lab.

If by “lab” you mean a place that funds start-ups, then no, we are not a lab.

Can I have access to all of ICLR’s data?

Whilst we are in no doubt that you’d be able to do all sorts of wonderful things with ICLR’s data, our ability to continue to operate as an self-funding charitable organisation requires us to take a protective posture over our data. 

How do I get in touch?

We are based in ICLR’s headquarters on Chancery Lane in London. You can find out more about the research work we’re doing on this website. 

If you’d like to talk to us about getting involved, send an email to